Hi Becks and Lindsey, \nLindsey what happened about your Danes back problem?\n\n\nBruno went to the vet yesterday, They removed a nasty tumour from under his eyelid, removed a tumour lump from his back and took all angle x-rays of his back to see what his spine problem is.\n\nIt turns out he has deformed vertibrae in his shoulder that are most likely caused by a choke chain, or too much calcium as a pup or too much excersise as a pup when very young.\nThe good story is that his main spinal chord is undamaged and is not getting trapped so he is not in crippling pain. Non of the vertibrae are fused or broken.\nSome of his vertibrae lower down the spine are deformed have little 'hooks' on the underside that can put pressure on nerves, he also has some hip displacia and some arthritis in his lower back so it's not surprising hes a grumpy git sometimes.\n\nI have read all about operations to cure this sort of back disorder but have never heard of a single successful story. The vet says thay cant do anything. But he can still go for walks thats the main thing.\n\nThankfully we are insured, his x-rays alone are over 300 pounds, thats not including the tumour removals or the Metacam painkiller bills.\n\nI hope the idiot from Liverpool who bought Bruno as a pup and left him chained on his pub roof garden reads this, i would like to chain you up by your neck and let Mr Bruno bite your arse.\n\n(IMG:http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cathy.hawkes/thead.jpg)